Who needs the gym? - Senior exercise at home is effective

Exercise ideas for seniors that you can start right now!

Who needs the gym ?

Exercise at home can be effective too !

Contents - 3 minute read:

  • Inform - Forget going to the gym, you have all you need at home😍 

  • Educate - How to hone your balance after cleaning your teeth

  • Motivate - Lets get some inspiration from some active individuals who exercise at home

  • Celebrate - 5 great reasons to get more active

A home “gym” without spending a pound !

In today’s world, it is not uncommon to find a gym on nearly every corner. You know you need to keep healthy and strong but the thought of going to your local gym, is not your cup of tea at all 😃 Well , panic not, you actually have all you need at home. You don’t even have to step foot out of your own front door or spend a single pound on gym fees. Lets explore ways you can get fit and strong utilising what you have on your own door step.

Polish your table and move those shoulders

  • A pair of tins - The humble tin of beans weighs approximately 1kg, which is perfect for starting strength training. You can sit or stand and punch forwards , sideways and above your head to start to work the stomach and arm muscles.

  • Dining Room Chair - This can be your support while you exercise your legs or work on your balance. Holding onto the back of a sturdy chair while you rise up on your tip toes gives your calf muscles a good work out. The chair can also be used to start to learn to squat, stand in front of the chair and prepare to sit down, before you reach the seat, come up to the starting position for an all round leg workout

  • Broomstick or walking stick, this can be used for shoulder mobility. Lying on your back and holding a stick in both hands, take the stick above your head towards your ears and down . Take care to ensure you have enough space around you first 😅 

  • Your bottom step - this is great to build up stamina and you will have the hand rail for stability too. You can practice going up and down on your bottom step to increase your stamina for a healthy heart and stronger legs

  • Dining room table - sit at the table with a soft cloth in your hands and reach forward and back “polishing” the table. The moves are great for shoulder mobility and trunk flexibility as you reach across

  • Wall - Choose a plain wall that has space around it. There are hundreds of wall exercises you can do but a good starting point for stronger arms and stomach is wall press ups. Put your arms at shoulder height facing the wall and slowly take your nose towards the wall then push back.

There is no excuse my friends not to get your body moving and get fit and strong. Your limited budget, lack of time , poor weather or no transport do not stand in the way of the humble home exercise routine. Check my daily instagram for home exercise ideas and pledge to get started TODAY 🙂 

Wall press ups are a great arm strengthener


Educate - Wobbly Wednesday

Continuing on the theme of using our home objects, wobbly Wednesday today demonstrates 3 exercises we can do after cleaning our teeth to focus on good balance . . Click the button to do the exercises together. Do them each time you brush and you will be well on the way to excellent balance.

Brush your teeth then work that balance

Motivate - People like you

Let’s check out the best of social media this week to inspire and motivate.

Home exercise can be effective, fun and challenging. Meet Gene who at 96 years old wants to be fit and strong when he reaches his 100th year. He is helped by Cindy who is overseeing his regime and ensuring he meets his fitness goals. Gene demonstrates that everyone has the capacity for improving no matter what your age or fitness level. Thanks to him and Cindy for sharing their good work

Let’s also peep into the front room of Won’s mum and dad who have been working out at home for the last 4 months under their daughter’s watchful eye. At age 83 and 74 years old , they are showing commitment to strength training to build healthy bones and strong muscles. What better way to spend your time a couple of mornings a week ? Thanks to Wondwellness for sharing her mum and dad’s progress

Celebrate - 5 Good reasons to Exercise

  • Still not convinced? Read these 5 good reasons to get exercise on your agenda immediately . What have you got to lose ?

  • Listening to music can improve your exercise performance. Singing along to your favourite song while exercising can your stress levels and improves your mood.

  • Working out improves brain function and lessens the risk of dementia

  • The more muscle mass you have, the more fat you burn while you are resting. So getting strong reaps benefits when exercising and relaxing

  • Struggling with sleep? Increase your physical activity to improve your sleep pattern and quality

  • Want to look younger - oh yes, you guessed it 🙃 Regular exercise has an anti aging effect on your outward appearance and your internal organs like the heart.



Any Exercise is better than no Exercise


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