keeping fit across the world

How do seniors stay fit in different countries ?

Keeping fit across the World

Icelanders are Water babies

Contents - 3 minute read:

  • Inform - Fitness for older adults varies from country to country, lets look at the differences and see if we can inspire you 😍 

  • Educate - How to take to the sea to get your balance going

  • Motivate - Lets get some inspiration from those who enjoy work and play

  • October is breast cancer awareness month

Lessons from across the World

There is no doubt about it, keeping your body fit and strong will help you lead an independent, active life. The population of the world is living longer yet the approach to exercise for seniors varies depending on where you live. If you are struggling to motivate yourself to get fit and active, maybe you can adopt fitness norms from elsewhere? Let’s take a tour of the globe and see that one size does not fit all, when considering activity.

Exercise is enjoyed differently across the world

How do they exercise elsewhere?

  • Sweden -20% of Sweden’s 10.5 million citizens are over the age of 65 and the majority of them are fit and active. How do they do it ? Well they take physical activity seriously. Activity is available on prescription and the type of exercise needed is specified and monitored by health professionals alongside medication. South Sweden has it’s own dementia village where Hicko, a social service dog, is available for company and motivation to walk to provide stimulation for the residents

  • Japan - Rajio Taiso is the exercise of choice to move Japan both young and old. It is a series of moves that is broadcast on national radio and live streamed on You tube every day. It is a series of moves involving body weight and the first routine called , “Dai Ichi” has been taught from a young age in schools to many Japanese. It is widely practiced in parks, at home and in the work place. This daily practice helps keep all generations moving and is embedded in daily routine

  • India - Here we see that females tend to be more active than males as they age. There are also differences depending on the area that you live. Those who are the most fit tend to live in rural areas and keep active while performing their daily routines. They are more likely to be walking, digging and carrying as part of a farming household which keeps them fit. Yoga is also a popular past time in this part of the world.

  • Iceland - Nature dictates the exercise routine of seniors here. They are blessed with geothermal waters which provide natural heat. Iceland is made up of smaller communities rather than larger cities and the pool is often the community space and the place to meet others. When not swimming, water aerobics is widely enjoyed .

  • Italy - Life revolves around being outside much of the time. The diet in Italy focuses on smaller meals or Tapas so people tend to carry less weight here. They also eat more plant based food, the Mediterranean diet. The Italians are a social bunch and tend to be outdoors which lends itself to exercise. Steps and hills are a common part of life especially in the villages, so taking the stairs keeps those muscles strong.

Rajio Taiso in action

If you live on a hill then stairs are a must !

Educate - Wobbly Wednesday

Let's step up the balance exercises and increase the difficulty. Practice your curtsey or rocking the boat are 2 ways we can stay steady this week Click on the button below to give todays exercises a try

Motivate - People like you

Let’s check out the best of social media this week to inspire and motivate.

Stay active by doing what you love. If you are good at a thing and enjoy it , then why not continue, whatever your age. Take a look at a day in the life of this female barber. Not only is she keeping active but she is well versed in the trends of the youth😃 

Let’s also head to the playground and appreciate the contest between young and old. Of course , old wins hands down.

October - Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is breast cancer awareness month. It is marked by many countries around the world highlighting attention and support for breast cancer awareness, diagnosis, treatment and palliative care for this condition. One of the ways to reduce your risk of breast cancer is physical activity and this month will see many pink runs taking place. Communities will come together to enjoy a run or walk to lend their support. Every hue of pink will be on display and if you are not taking part then see if you can find a run near you that you can clap on the participants. I will be running on Saturday in my pink tutu and I can assure you, all support from onlookers is appreciated.

How I would like to look at the 10km finish line 😃 


Don’t underestimate yourself, you are more capable than you think

Misty Copeland

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